HomeITThe Definitive Buyers'Guide for Small and Medium Businesses to Evaluate Cloud Providers

The Definitive Buyers’Guide for Small and Medium Businesses to Evaluate Cloud Providers


Buyer Evaluation Worksheet

When thinking through the many configurations available, small and medium business buyers must compare reliability, required resourcing, solution capabilities, security, and cost differentiators to ensure the difference between providers is transparent and the optimal benefits are realized.
This worksheet will help cloud buyers focus on the key questions, broken into categories. For each category, there are several questions that cloud buyers should ask of potential suppliers under consideration that will help buyers truly compare the plethora of options.

Next Steps for Small and Medium Business Cloud Buyers
1. Review the questions provided and eliminate any that are not applicable to your business.
2. Pose these questions to your suppliers and compare answers between competitors.
3. Ask for any references on answers that are incomplete or the responses are sub-optimal.



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